Call for Papers Maelwael Van Lymborch Studies volume III
After in October 2022 volume II of the Maelwael Van Lymborch Studies was launched in the Townhall of Nijmegen by Belgian writer Bart van Loo and mayor Hubert Bruls we are aiming to publish volume III (Brepols Publishers) at the end of 2024. For authors who are interested to publish their latest research results in this book, the procedure is as follows:
1- The subject must be related to the life and art of the Maelwael Van Lymborchs;
2- Articles with an interdisciplinary approach are much appreciated;
3- The text in English should be written in accordance with the Brepols Stylesheet, seeĀ
You can select the translation button to read the text on this webpage in either Dutch, English, French, German or Spanish;
4- When you want to be sure that your subject and article are suitable for the Maelwael Van Lymbroch Studies volume III please provide a summary with a maximum of 1.000 words to the editorial board before 1 September 2023:;
5- Final texts should be provided before 31 December 2023 to:
In each stage of the process before publishing the editorial board, as well as the series editors, reserve the right to reject a text which they assess less appropriate for publishing in this volume III;
6- Illustrations can be proposed and selected in consultation with the picture editor;
For further questions and information you can always contact the volume editor.